Friday, April 4, 2008

the night of the lemonheads

last weekend, i went to see the lemonheads perform 'it's a shame about ray,' which gave me flashbacks of age 17 when a friend & i saw them in their heyday. 

we borrowed the family chevy station wagon and drove into the city from the 'burbs. it was a big deal as it was the first time the 'rents let me drive into the city at night and without them. 

that night i managed to:
- scrape up the entire passenger's side of the car against the parking garage wall
- have the muffler fall nearly off, shooting sparks as it dragged along the parkway
- have to pull off on the side of the parkway to tie the muffler back up 

and finally, making it back to my small town, wanting only to get back home i managed to:
  - get pulled over by the police and get a speeding ticket driving through main street 

ah, memories. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did all that really happen? I only remember the scraping the car on the garage bit. What a hellatious experience for you. P.S. My parents still think your Dad went with us to that don't blow my cover.