Thursday, December 18, 2008

debbie downer #2

is this what working life has come to? 
eight hour conference calls in a storage closet?


whatevs said...

that storage closet has presents,a computer, and beer. doesn't seem that bad...

bizarro gnome said...

well, that was my first thought - sorry to loyal TFAAF reader MB who contributed the snap.

but, in fairness the beer (and champagne?!) is warm. and the presents are for charity. and who wants to be on an 8 hour conference call - in a closet or otherwise.

sally said...

Looks like hell on earth. The conference call of 8 hours is made worse by the constant visual reminders of Chrismas cheer...which you are not experiencing...b/c you are stuck in a closet...on a conference call. You have my sympathies MB.