whatevs from two pisces and a sagittarius...an unlikely union
Monday, August 31, 2009
still not convinced
...that the kindle is a good idea. rather dorky, no? that said, maybe if i had e-books, i wouldn't feel so bad about my "abandoned book syndrome" - a bit like unread emails.
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If you hang around long enough, you will end up running the place.
It was basically like a set-up. They didn't tell us nothing, we didn't think nothing, because basically we are innocent. We don't know nothing about this drugs and stuff, we don't know nothing.
It's all coming together, everything is going global.
I'm going to buy one as soon as the price gets under $150. So check back with me in about, oh, 8 years or so.
i agree - i don't get it.
so how are you supposed to show everyone how intellectual you are with no book cover? ;)
lol - i rec'd a kindle as a gift
u 2 will become fans as soon as someone buys 1 for u :-)
& stop being jealous lol
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