Thursday, July 29, 2010


hey, IT

you know what would be great? if the internet didn't mock me when i attempted to use your preferred - and apparently ancient - browser. thanks.


first, devo held a "cat listen party" for their new album. next, the klaxons. kitty tipping point?

well you don't see that everyday...

200 east something street is on the move.

who approved this? (guest star edition)

i heart mark ruffalo. he's a fine actor.

but what is he doing on "inside city hall" being interviewed about the oil spill and drilling rights?? was he en route to "inside the actor's studio" and made a wrong turn?

who approved this?

why i feel old, part 31

jason priestly is still looking somewhat boyish these days. but luke, what happened?

to quote sweet pleats, age is not kind. sigh.

this voicemail is now diamonds

continuing my fondness for mr. oldspice, check out his voicemail generator:

unfortunately, i wasn't able to post my audio clip, so you'll just have to play around and create your own here.

(shout out to JW for appreciating this find)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

i'm on the interwebs

the old spice guy recently posted video responses to his youtube & twitter comments. hilarious.

check out his flirting with alyssa milano and advice for george stephanopolous:

you can watch them all here.


don't know anything about this movie, but i do love the tagline: an epic epic of epicness.

you had me at epic.

how will you look?

apparently you will look creepy and have unruly eyebrows when you get old.

Monday, July 26, 2010

fun with signs

atm at the roaming town carnival. sorry we're not sorry.

(sign spotting & photo credit: mom)

fun with signs (part deux)

i do love a good sign defacing...thanks for the builds, new yorkers. EVER!!

who approved this? (snack edition)

i like artificially flavored orange cheese as much as the next guy, but lip balm? who approved this licensing agreement, cheetos?

let's hope this doesn't happen next week...

quitting after only 3 songs due to pigeons? fail.

i say - dance monkeys, dance!

a smile for monday

c/o rainbow balloons in rockefellar center.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

this little gnome...

is heading back to the lake tomorrow night. have a good weekend!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

laut auflachen

for whatever reason, "the nutty bavarian" made me laugh out loud in the mall. nuts. and much more...


i'm not sure how i feel about this...

on one hand, bizarro. on the other, access to smoked meats at all hours could be a good thing...

who approved this? (poopy diaper edition)

when did diapers become fancy? case in point...

1. cynthia rowley for pampers?!

2. huggies jeans?!

who approved these?

my new obsession almond milk.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

remember these?

for some bizarro reason, i had this song in my head yesterday... fruity!

who knew?

that donny bottled his own water? new york's finest.


excuse me, mr. reynolds...

the highlight of my week last week - and dare i say my month - was meeting lionel ritchie in nashville.

he was staying at our hotel. unfortunately, my picture did not come out (damn cameraphone), but the snap of my colleauge did (identity protected via ppt basic shapes).

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

can't. look. away.

running man, scissors, window washer, roger rabbit - so many classic moves in the cowboy hip-hop.

and apparently a dorothy hammill haircut to boot...

you know what would be great...?

if i could actually see the concert. and not have to watch it through your camera. thanks.

why i feel old, part 30

incidentally, the photo above was from a faith no more show i caught last week.

yep - faith no more. i was a huge fan back in the day.

cross referenced some old journals and it turns out that i saw them open for billy idol out at jones beach back in 1990...

20(!) years ago. two decades. sigh.


...that we lost both time and space. they were a nice couple. i was really rooting for them.

must be nice not be bothered to pay attention to a missing $5 million. sigh.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

happy 4th of july!

a bit obstructed, but fireworks from the roof nevertheless...upgrade!