Wednesday, March 31, 2010

which is more awesome?

a) the kimono? or b) the 'fro?

ps - as much as i do love my new blackberry, the old camera phone takes way better pix!

can't work it

well, i've never gotten this from youtube before. hope the monkeys are right on top of that, marcel.

i'm on a horse

this was the video i was trying to watch:

can't. look. away.

oh, mets

good luck with that.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

this little gnome... still very much alive. apologies, dear readers, for the hiatus.

between moving, internet access issues, visitors, vacation & biz travel i've been a bit MIA. and, i definitely did a poor job of managing your expectations.

but, i'm back in action, so please enjoy a few new posts below!

is that a banana peel on your shoe...?

...or are you just happy to be on the 6 train? totes bizarro.

this is why i heart ben folds

i've yet to venture on chatroulette - too terrfiying of a prospect, from what i can gather. let me tackle skype first.

i am a huge ben folds fan, so i love this clip of his improv songs for the peeps he's meeting on chatroulette, which is apparently and ode to merton:

we love you too, bam. genius.

oh mini eggs where are thou?

easter is just not easter for me unless i've had my cadbury fix. specifically, creme eggs and mini eggs.

in florida, however, they were nowhere to be found. sure, you can get "robin eggs" like the above, but i'm sorry, that just won't do. thankfully, new york is on top of it and i have procured a stash.

ps - remind me to tell you about the time i got mini eggs up my nose - d'oh! let's just say there was chocolate in my kleenex. i know, i know - ew.

who approved this? (electrolyte edition)

my brother-in-law ran the georgia marathon last week in atlanta. along the route, my sister spotted this concoction.

who approved this? at least they could've gone with orange!

my new obsession the blog Scouting New York which features amazing pics by a location scout from across the city, often incorporating historical information & fun facts.

for example, have you ever noticed the owl eyes that light up in herald square? creepy and awesome at the same time!

check out more of the site here.

Monday, March 8, 2010

who knew?

...that i currently own 18 wine glasses?!

only 2 bags

despite my compulsive hoarding tendencies, when it came to moving my most-prized possessions they fit into only 2 bags.

this is why i heart nyc

broken taxi bumper? just leave it out in the trash for the garbage men.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

happy birthday!

wishing a very happy birthday to TFAAF's very own fish, pandora!