Wednesday, January 27, 2010

nerdberger fail

in true nerdberger fashion, i took the online test to be a jeopardy contestant.

while my handful of correct answers included art (matisse), music (lady gaga) and 10-letter compound words (collarbone) - i completely bombed.

my lack of classical music knowledge is glaring. and, well, i haven't studied chemistry since 1992!

the price is wrong, bob.

who wouldn't be excited about a trip to minnesota?

Woman Faints On Price Is Right - Watch more Funny Videos


sounds like something right out of candid camera. d'oh!

quality control

suggestion - if you are going to bill yourself as "the republic of color" - you might want to color proof your bus shelter ad for proper color correction, instead of this streaky mess. just a sayin'.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

if a tree falls in manhattan...

i can assure you that it makes a sound - the entire neighborhood heard it hit every fire escape falling down...!

good advice

ciao for now, conan.

worst billboard ever?

fine, you don't want blank ad space. bad for business. but i just don't understand this "outdoor adventure" german shepherd filler. bizarro.

best billboard ever?

hell hath no fury like a yavaughnie scored. this appeared outside my window at work last week. check out the backstory here. scandalocious.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

thanks, bono & co

early morning april 4th
shots rang out in the memphis sky
free at last, they took your life
but they could not take your pride

oh, KOL

you know i (obsessively) heart kings of leon.

but kings of leon becoming fashion designers, selling their own leather jackets ($1,150) and skinny jeans ($150)?

sorry, boys - think you just lost some street cred.

admirable, but coco loco (bed rest edition)

i get it - slipping under cold sheets might not be as relaxing as, say, a warm bed. but professional bedwarmers at hotels?? admirable, but coco loco.

goodbye, old friend

not that i'm tracking any YoNYCs (seeing how it's the "year of the upgrade" and not the "year of NYC"), but i did hit up the guggenhiem to see the kandinsky retrospective one last time.

and to say adieu to composition viii, my favorite painting. in the world. ever. farewell, my friend. until we meet again...

i'm with coNAN

poor conan.

i am totally with him. (not, of course, by actually watch the tonight show, however.)

that said, i cannot get behind this "coco" nickname. coco loco if you ask me.

oh, starbucks

what have you done to my local??

who knew?

...there were still brick & mortar travel agents? wonder if they hand you paper tickets?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

this little gnome...

is looking for a new home. as such, i'll be posting only sporadically while i'm apartment searching. just want to manage expectations in the coming weeks. and fingers crossed!

well, it's decided...

2010 is going to be the "year of the upgrade" - while i'm excited, i have a feeling this might get a bit costly...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

hello, 2010!

happy new year, everyone!

welcome back!

i am really hoping this happens to me one day - an unexpected greeting at the airport. love this from improv everywhere:

crafternoons! (or, what i did on my winter vacation)

what to do with all of the seashells i collected? how about a floral shell wreath?


somehow, i think this creepster will be scaring moms, not enticing them to apply for scholarships.

but, what do i know?