Tuesday, December 22, 2009

this little gnome...

is headed down south til the new year. before i go, please enjoy a few christmas themed-posts below.

happy holidays!!

happy winter

oh christmas tree

so, after lamenting about not decorating my tree last year, i couldn't even be bothered to pick one up this year. sigh.

instead, i splurged on a balsam fir candle. not the same, but at least it smells a little festive around here.


i love things that are a) random and b) bizarro. so, i was quite delighted the last time i was down in nashville that the opryland hotel was hosting, "ICE!" - charlie brown's christmas recreated in, well, ice. parkas included.

nothing says christmas

...like nail clippers. am i right? no, no - so wrong.


every wish you could have your own pair of pink bunny pj's from aunt clara?

now you can!

you can order yours from pinkbunnypajamas.com.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

snow day!

nyc saw a good layer of snow this weekend - by last night (well, 2:35am), i had several inches on my windowsill, with 11" in total falling in central park.

that domino's bike delivery guys was having a rough time navigating the sloppy streets.

i don't know...

what he looked like from the front, but the back was pretty awesome. flossy, flossy.


if only we dressed up for christmas...

this is why i heart the queen

see, she's just like us, hopping on the train home.

this is why i heart will ferrell

...for crashing a pic in this week's ny times weddings!

i also like that the groom goes by "buck rodgers." you can check it out here.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

where you at?

for JS - our current favorite subway ad.

this week's swap...

is a crumpled ikea lamp.

fun with neighbors

this really could've been way more passive aggressive. but, the four exclamation points was a nice touch, don't you think?

out of service

so, this is obviously a terrible story about a bus accident. but i do think it's a little bizarro that someone bothered to change the route sign on the front to, "sorry, not in service" - ya think?


i am always amazed how women don't realize they are preggers and...oops...out comes a baby.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

happy birthday!

...to TFAAF's very own Van Ramblings! i hope you go all out and splurge on a venti today.

Monday, December 14, 2009

YoNYC #43

as the year draws to a close, what YoNYC would be complete without a visit to the tree?

YoNYC #42

on sunday, i hit up the radio city christmas spectacular. for all the years i've lived in & around nyc (appx. 26 of them), i've actually never been.

if i was 9, i think i would of found it just that. not sure if "spectacular" is the best adjective, but not a bad way to spend an hour and a half this time of year.

who knew?

came across this guy hanging out on the santa monic pier. apparently, you can buy your very own zoltar for the low, low price of $8,999.95. who knew? order by december 15th for christmas delivery.

who knew? (part deux)

who knew that this was the craig of craigslist? thanks, wikipedia. (i'm still not donating to you, tho - sell some ads already, will ya?)

i'm sorry, but...

1. how "green" is water that is flown all the way from fiji?

2. nice try, but i will not be paying $7.00 for this marriott.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

this little gnome...

is traipsing across the country & back this week with stops in los angeles & nashville.

have a good one, y'all!

love this

as the article said, if you can't beat 'em, amusingly underperform 'em!


isn't a cupcake that is 25x larger than a regular cupcake just...a cake? they will definitely be talking about this all year long.

oh, michael

the cherubs are a nice touch, no?

oh, val

what happened?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

table topic #32

it's hard for me to believe that 2009 is coming to a end. with that, it's time for a new theme for 2010. year of____?

so far, we've had the "year of decisions" (2007), the "year of rest" (2008) and, of course, this year's "year of new york city," aka YoNYC. so, here's a new table topic:

32. What should bizarro gnome's 2010 "year of..." theme be?

as you can see, crate and barrel has suggested "year of cookies" -

which, is not a bad suggestion. perhaps "muffin of the week" could morph into the "year of baking"? how about "year of reinvention"? "year of hijinx"?

thoughts...? i welcome your thematic comments!

in case you need schnitzel. asap.

um, who needs this?

i really don't want to know what this is for.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas

1. it's time for my regular lament - how is it december already?!

2. let's hope i actually get around to decorating the tree this year, unlike the debbie downer of last year.

i am devastated

devastated, i tell you!


this ad is still causing a stir? did i accidentally wake up in 2006, facebook?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

it's turkey lurkey time

have a great thanksgiving and a nice, long week-end!

i'm sorry

...but, this is the worst dancing strawberry i've ever seen on the side of a truck. and there have been many.

well, this is just a waste of plates

this afternoon, i went to the diner for lunch - grilled cheese and sweet potato fries. one person, four - count 'em - four plates. a side of bbq sauce does not need its own plate. ridonks.

for a split second...

i thought this read ralph nader's doo-wop party. now, that would be a sight to behold!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


it's almost turkey day! i thought these arrangements were lovely.

interesting combo

i like indian food. and i like pizza. and i know there are combination pizza hut & taco bells, but i'm not sure about indian pizza...

YoNYC #41

ran into a protest...apparently against the federal reserve. my favorite quote, "just because we have investigated american history, doesn't mean we're crazy..."

who approved this? (candle animal edition)

these disembodied dog & rabbit candles are just plain creepy!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


oh luke, why?

an at&t commercial? really? can't someone get an old school 2 or legally blonde 3 in the works for him?

just desserts?

first, snuggie rips off the slanket (one of skymall's finest). now, snuggie gets it right back at 'em - from the as-seen-on-tv "cute cuddle blanket" at the tjmaxx check out.

cold injustice? or cozy revenge? you decide.

the things you really want to say

now you can, with these cute little monsters:

check out more "unmentionables" here.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

got cupcakes?

if you have a spare $25,000, you too can procure your very own cupcake car! my favorite part of the description - the idea that you should, "crash parades!" in it. you can order yours here.

(thanks, sweets!)