Tuesday, June 29, 2010


this weekend was my niece's birthday party. we had an "ice cream social."

i crafted a few popsicles and giant cones out of scrapbooking paper for decorations...and must say, i was quite pleased with the outcome!


1. what do you think is sold at the going out of business store?

2. why would you bother spending money for that massive sign?

goodbye, swatch

pour some out for nicolas hayek, founder of swatch watch who died this week.

yes, i still wear one. and probably only will.


"wow, that is a big ass fish. lots of omega in that."

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

this little gnome...

is heading south for a 1st birthday party. have a great weekend!

walk this way

this arrow (formed from a small drip from an air conditioner) made me smile on my walk to the subway this morning.

new & old

i took this pic of my new duvet to show my mother. when i took a closer look, i realized that in the lower left corner you could still see my 13" TV+VHS combo. yes, i still have it...BUSTED!

time warp

i never know what time it is. case in point, the following times were all recorded at the same moment yesterday:

9:50 / cell phone
9:51 / computer
9:52 / blackberry
9:53 / desk phone

Monday, June 21, 2010

who approved this? (cardsharks edition)

i'm sorry, am i reading this correctly? uno...chic? chic? in pick box? no really - who approved this??


i heart both dolly & kenny. but, who do we think has had more plastic surgery?

i can't image dolly's face moves. and poor kenny doesn't even look like himself any more. :(

for van ramblings & pandora

[jazzy hands]

Friday, June 18, 2010


happy (belated) birthday

...to loyal TFAAF reader, J.S. (from work)!


who - who, i ask you - is paying $44.99 for a dvd of law & order?? you can find the show on tv 24 hours a day!

overheard @ urban outfitter

store clerk #1: wow, i remember when urban used to have plastic bags.

store clerk #2: yeah, that was, like, back in the 90s.


hey, new york

...it's june. i think we can take down the snow plow signs. just a sayin'.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


just in case you are thirsty from your errant milky way, here's a lemonade for you.

ps - i know, i know. i should not bust out the cameraphone in the ladies, but i had it right in my purse and i couldn't help myself.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

this is why i heart starbucks

was just awarded a gold rewards card!


bulletin board

i don't really need kids mats, but i do like the idea of being able to "do something that seems relaxing."

excellent question

spotted the above in a concert venue's FAQs...i didn't even ever think to try to wrangle a press pass! "hi there. i'm blogger-in-chief of - ahem - twofishandaflame..."

who approved this? (sleepytime edition)

this mattress retails for $49,500. no...that's not a typo. who approved this?

ps - incidentally, it is made with gold.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

this little gnome...

is wheelin' on down to nashville.

have a good week, y'all!


come meet stepdad mick jones?

now, if you said come meet my sister's ex-girlfriend and her alcohol monitoring bracelet you might get some takers...

just a sayin'.

is this for reals?

are those lace napkins?

now this i can get behind

i can definitely approve of this.

who knew?

...that cap'n crunch had a full name:

captain horatio magellan crunch

you can check out more fictional characters here.

Monday, June 7, 2010

who approved this? (streetscape edition)

judging by the picture, the d.o.t. installed buttons at the crosswalks on park avenue some time ago. however, they clearly have no effect on n.y.c. traffic control.

what they do once pushed, however, is continually yell at you to, "wait...wait...wait...wait...wait...wait..." incessantly until the light turns green.

why i feel old, part 28

the goonies was released 25 years ago. sigh.

that said, goonies never say die.


woman in gym clothes & sneakers, carrying a water bottle & her ipod:

"hey, can i bum a cigarette, man?"

overheard (part deux)

"yeah, the dalai lama just played radio city musical hall with the rockettes."

um...somehow i'm not quite sure he was performing with dancers, but what do i know?

Friday, June 4, 2010

happy friday!


apparently, the smurfs are in town.


while resetting my (b)lotus notes preferences, i noticed that i could choose netscape navigator, of all things. did i wake up in 1998?


to quote sweet pleats, "age is not kind."

can you believe that this is sinead o'connor??