Friday, January 28, 2011

snow day!

well, not exactly. woke up to my living room window (mind you i'm on the 3rd floor) covered in snow:

and then, still had to get myself to work right on time, in the 19 inches:

winter, you are a real doozy this year.


south of the border my mother mocks me with picturemail of sunshine & palm trees. sigh.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

oh, 2011

i don't know about your feelings, but 2011 kinda blows. not only is it the year of mugatu, but the above just about sums up my 9 to 5.

maybe it's just january? or winter? my horoscope was so promising. sigh. maybe i'm no longer a pisces afterall...?

TFAAF all up in your googles

that said, the highlight of my week last week was when a colleague googled mugatu and yours truly's block was the first source for a mugatu image. she even said, "wait a minute, i know that website..." which made me chuckle.

way to represent, mugatu. way to represent.

(thanks, MB!)

what time is it?

(found here via here)

my new obsession

maybe it's the nashville influence, but i am really digging biscuits. i was never a big fan, but they've grown on me recently. i even whipped up a few country breakfasts over christmas break (belated posting):

not sure that biscuits and the "year of fitness" go together, but hey...


speaking of the year of fitness, i would be remiss in not recognizing the passing of jack lalanne this week.

he & his power juicer rocked it out for 96 years! godspeed.

Monday, January 24, 2011


fa freddo!

it's getting hot in herrrre

despite the frigid temps, the office can be fairly tropical these days. does anybody have a fan i can borrow?

ps - commendable of the 4 dudes sharing this office that they taped down the cords, no? safety first, boys!

just plain coco loco

wrong. wrong. wrong. you know i love me the starbucks, but the trenta??? you know our distain for the venti around here. and now, a beverage larger than the capacity of the human stomach?! nothing admirable, starbucks...coco to the loco. (ok, rant over).

who approved this? (stiletto edition)

miss america is now making shoes? way to soil the crown with crass consumerism, sparkles notwithstanding.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

well hello, dolly

just under the wire (nashville time), a very happy birthday to dolly parton. just look at that hair! this might even be better than kylie's hair hat.


let's not forget our last remaining (tear!) golden girl, betty white, who turned 89 a few days ago. can't wait to make it to her age!

work it out, laaaadydy

i'm slowly, managing to commence my "year of fitness" - slowly being the operative word. but, hey, it's early days and we have a lot more year to go.

i forget where on the interwebs i found this, but i quite like this inspiration for a workout:

so true

billed as "the earth's to-do list" should be noted - true story - that i actually once did give one of my team members a post-it that had the latter directive. you know, trying to be a motivational manager and all...

(thanks, JS - totally stolen from you via FB).

dear universe

i am and ever shall be a pisces. enough with this the-earth-has-shifted-so-you-really-are-an-aquarius, mmmkay? thanks.

ps - the blog is two fish (pisces+pisces) and a flame (sagittarius) for goodness' sake! help a sister out.

remember this?

for some reason, i thought of this show the other day - rags to riches - a sort of annie meets glee. sadly, it only lasted 20 episodes.

i hope they bring it back on hulu! in the meantime, do enjoy this sweet jam - and the dub en espanol:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

snow day?

the plows are out in nyc!

in contrast...

my mother has escaped the snow down in florida and likes to remind me with this pic from her camera phone:

Sunday, January 9, 2011


can't say that i'm a josh groban fan, but this is amusing - groban sings kanye's tweets:

I make awesome decisions in bike stores...

oh, snooki

in all fairness, i didn't read this story. but, it certainly is a doozy of a headline! she really needs to be more careful.


could there be anything creepier than muppets with people eyes?!

check out more here.

my new obsession

is my zojirushi "fuzzy logic" rice cooker.

only tried white rice thus far, but it's fantastic. even plays a little song when it starts and finishes (oh so japanese).

up next, steel cut oatmeal!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011