apparently, oasis has broken up (again). thankfully, loyal TFAAF reader JS and i were able to catch them last year and sing along at the top of our lungs to wonderwall.
in honor of their passing, i offer an excerpt of one of our fave SNL skits:
Betty Boothroyd: Question to the Prime Minister, Mr. Michael Shersby.
Michael Shersby: [ seemingly distracted ] How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who.. [ gets to the real point he's been fidgeting with ] ..What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!
Betty Boothroyd: [ sternly ] Mr. Shersby!! You've been warned seven times thismonth to stop bringing up Oasis!
Michael Shersby: But is not Oasis the greatest British band since the Beatles? Can wenot vote on this?!
Betty Boothroyd: Enough! Enough!! No votes will be taken on the subject of Oasis! Question, Mr. Simon Coombs!
Michael Shersby: [ seemingly distracted ] How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who.. [ gets to the real point he's been fidgeting with ] ..What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!
Betty Boothroyd: [ sternly ] Mr. Shersby!! You've been warned seven times thismonth to stop bringing up Oasis!
Michael Shersby: But is not Oasis the greatest British band since the Beatles? Can wenot vote on this?!
Betty Boothroyd: Enough! Enough!! No votes will be taken on the subject of Oasis! Question, Mr. Simon Coombs!
you can read the full transcript here.