Thursday, September 27, 2007

joy riding

OK, who borrowed the tube trains and forgot where they parked them? paris? moscow? new york? please return them ASAP.


pandora's box said...

Well I was at King's Cross Station last night, and was informed that the trains would be active again momentarily because "someone had now paid the bill"

apparently, the electric bill for Transport for London got left on the window sill and forgotten about...

bizarro gnome said...

that's fabulous! people complain about the tube, but i love that an 'offical' body can have either such candor, or when they are cheeky, such sense of humor.

one of my other favorites, was when my train was delayed 'due to smoldering on the tracks'. i don't think they were being funny, but i love the use of the word 'smoldering'.