Friday, January 30, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

this little gnome...

assuming the weather cooperates, this little gnome is swingin' on down to nashville again for a few days. 

enjoy the rest of the week! 

hootie must be stopped

admirable, but coco loco (hamster edition)

i LOVE my paper shredder. one of the best gifts i have ever received. for sure in the top 3. 

so while shredding is great, and an eco-friendly no electricity shredder is admirable, this hamster cage / shredder combo invention is pure coco loco!

ps - that being said, friendly reminder:  shred your mail people, all of it.  shred it. 

not quite sure about this...

so, was recently investigating car rentals. and as you can see, there was a low rate on this Specialty "COOL CAR" 

um, yeah...cargo van? not so cool, avis. but thank you for playing. 


for JS

just got this ad from FB. tho, i am not a skier, this is a much better quality of ad! 

ps for JS - this seems right up your alley...


congratulations to TFAAF's  very own Pandora, who has been selected as one of only 5 finalists in Warren Adler's (author of War of the Roses) Fall '08 short story contest!!! 

check out her entry, "The Longbranch" here, and don't forget to vote for her for People's Choice!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

OPP, take 8

This TV dinner would be much better if we owned a TV. 

what a saturday

i embarrassed to say that i took a 3 hour nap in the middle of the day on saturday from about 2.45-5.45. d'oh.  

i'm even more embarrassed to say that of the 10 remaining waking hours on saturday, i spent two of them watching a straight-to-dvd-then-straight-to-oxygen hilary duff movie. 


whatevs's shoe. poor whatev's lost her shoe last week to the subway track. as of today, it was still there. unfortch, it was too dark for it to been seen in the photo, so a mock up above. 

my new obsession

is my ikea Bettan Linje rug. 

not only is it fun, it was a steal at $19.99 during the ikea winter sale. 

start the car! start the car! 

Saturday, January 24, 2009

poetry on the subway

spotted on the platform sign...

and upon closer inspection...

stay classy, new york.   

this week's swap...

is canadian, 100% orange+pineapple juice. yum. 

who knew?

this week, the pope started his own youtube channel. talk about a digital mindset. 

gotta get me one of these

i've never been very fashion forward, but i clearly missed the boat on this winter trend. yesterday morning on the subway, i looked around and counted about 9 chunky knit caps. and felt hopelessly out of place. 

YoNYC #2

last week, week we hit restaurant week at David Burke Townhouse, where we dined on delish braised short ribs with mushroom cavatelli, warm apple tart & of course the cheesecake lollipops with bubble gum whipped cream. yum.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

table topic #26

in honor today's inauguration, let's have a presidential question this week:

26. If you could have dinner with any of the US Presidents which would it be? 

hmm...tough one. i have to remember my AP American History for this one. they all certainly have their merits.  i was considering Taft - weighing in at over 300 lbs, i'm sure he'd serve a good meal. 

but, i think i'll vote for Jefferson, seeing as how i am a big fan of the louisiana purchase, the lewis & clark exhibition and mount rushmore.  

love this

oh, shaq. i'm so glad i'm not alone in my scrabble addiction. shaqtastic, indeed. 

pack rats, unite

i fully admit that i am a pack rat, bordering on having compulsive hoarding tendencies. i like my stuff. so, it's comforting to know that others share my troubles. 

behold above an assemblage created using found items discovered while helping a friend pack recently: directions for a "tube wringer," a guitar footstool, car coin sorter/dispenser (note, she doesn't have a car) and the most random of all - a hole punch in the shape of a camel. 

good times.  

my new obsession

i was search of a blue dragon, but they don't seem to exist. instead, i went for a qi lin - a mythical chinese creature based on the giraffe (right). it was either that or the foo (left), but you know how i feel about dogs...

Monday, January 19, 2009

admirable, but coco loco (inauguration edition)

well, it's official...obama mania has reached baked goods proportion. 

while i think it's admirable that we're marking the historic occasion, it's a bit coco loco that it's on a black & white cookie, no? 

welcome to post-racial america. deal with it cate blanchett!

oh, facebook

it appears that now you think i'm canadian. 

good times.

this week's swap...

it's crappy paperbacks! 

well, that's very judging a book by its cover of me. perhaps the story of, "possession. murder. mayhem. let the games begin...exorcism isn't a job, it's a calling--and a curse..." could be gripping.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

is this an appropriate convo?

overheard at starbucks:

barista: how's it hangin' man? you saying warm?

patron: i'm freezing. 

barista: yeah, i'm freezing my balls off! 

speaking of baristas...

apparently you can buy your very own on ebay. 

new insults

well that's appears that facebook has now moved on to targeting me with cosmetic surgery ads. nice. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

most bizarro yet

i have previously espoused about the state of work toilets. totes wrong and totes bizarro. but, today might have been the most bizarro sighting yet. 

due to reader concerns, i am no longer using my camera phone in the loo. thus, behold a mock-up of my encounter below:

oh, yes. that is a fun-sized milky way. 
on the seat. 
of the toilet. 

my fav. movie

you know me too well, dear readers. 

i received not one, but two emails tonight alerting me to the fact that the day after tomorrow was on FX tonight - the greatest disaster movie of all time. 

when you think about it, the wolves really are the icing on the disaster cake, no? 

houston, we have competition

speaking of...the day after tomorrow just might be getting a run for its money. check out this preview for 2012. mega disasters, plus the mayan end of the world? you had me at the first frame.  

lloyd dobler just might give jakeypoo a run for his money. 

(thanks, MB)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

OPP, take 7

It was an uneventful family outing to Pikes Peak...

...until Mom started making out with strangers at the summit:

hey, meatwad

check out some of the most unusual pet names of 2008. i'm quite partial to sir lix-a-lot, myself. almost as good as our friend sir barksalot. almost. 

and the winner is...

drum roll, please...

clocking in at 8 jazzy comments, the 2008 post of the year goes to Table Topic #19, when we took a walk down memory lane of games past. candyland, perfection, don't tip the waiter, chinese checkers - oldies, but goodies. 

keep those comments coming! 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

i ♥ the snow

fresh snow? much like every other surface in new york, perfect for fresh graffiti.

most bizarro swap...yet

after a faux rose topiary, a book on how to talk to animals and 80s VHS tapes, we have the kookiest lobby swap yet. hamburger buns. actually, expired hamburger buns. yum. scarily, they were going a short while later. i only hope right to the trash. 

i maybe be wrong, but i doubt it

the other week, my cab driver was named charles barkley, which made me chuckle. although not the real charles barkley (thankfully given his recent antics), he was just as opinionated, commenting all the way to broadway. 

oh, facebook

you've been insulting me for the past year, but this is new - insulting my friends now, i see. i won't stand for it. well, actually...i do wonder who...?

Monday, January 5, 2009

table topic #25

easy(ish) table topic to kick off the new year - just requires a bit of counting:

25. How many states have you visited?

now, a friend of mine always said that it doesn't count unless you've actually had your feet on the ground and spent at least a dollar there to count as "visit," so with that in mind my number is 22.

counting things like airport transfers & rest stops on roadtrips, it increases to 29, but i think that's cheating, don't you? 

2009: the year of NYC

first came the "year of decisions"  in 2007. 

then last year, i decided that 2008 was going to be the "year of rest". it wasn't entirely restful, but i did enjoy spending time on my couch. 

i've decided that this year of the ox in 2009 shall be the "year of new york city" (YoNYC) for me, during which i intend to do things around the city - more museums, events, checking out new neighborhoods and maybe a few touristy things to boot (e.g., i've never been to the top of the empire state building).  

wish me luck - and let me know if anyone wants to tag along! 

YoNYC #1

my first outing was this afternoon to MoMA to see Pipilotti Rist: Pour Your Body Out (7354 Cubic Meters) as well as the permanent collection. very nice afternoon, indeed. 

sorry alex & kyle

mom & dad made you dress up back in october for the holiday pic, pretending it was already christmas. and now look at you. here you are dumped out on the street, soiled in the gutter. bummer, dudes. 

Sunday, January 4, 2009

happy new year!

hope everyone has a great 2009!

double duty

tired of your current family? not only are OPPs amusing, they also give you instant relatives for just a buck! 

who you gonna call?

yesterday i had lunch at panera. it always amazes me how many people make that place their office, what with the free wifi and all. 

but i was really surprised in particular to see two women working, potentially interviewing someone. 

quote: "it doesn't have to be your obsession, but it helps"

occupation (as evidenced by their labeled t-shirts): S.P.I.R.I.T.S. paranormal investigators

way to maximize efficiencies

why specify meat twice? good work, deli on the corner. now comes the major decision - ball or loaf? yum.