Wednesday, May 16, 2012

i die

i have an irrational fear of mayonnaise. a compulsive aversion. i can't even look at it, let alone be near it.

i found this photo via stumbleupon - something to the effect of "pranks to torture your friends" - mayo filled donuts.

i would die. literally die.

oh, mets

those poor mets - five teams in the n.l. east and they couldn't squeeze them in?

who knew?

this headline made me do a doubletake. in case you are wondering, they are: doors, beeps, photos, phones & wheels. who knew?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

this little gnome...

i know i *just* started up the blog again, but - alas - i'm off for a bit. heading down south for some fun with the fam. see you next week!

my new obsession

this just might be my favorite jam with a xylophone:


from a company dubbed "bad idea shits," this one is one of my faves. don't worry, she's fine.

oh, mariah

what a headline!

since TFAAF is a family friendly blog, we just couldn't post the pic. you'll just have to google it.

one word - yikes.

so true

if vermeer's girl with the pearl earring were a facebook profile picture, it might look something like this. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

my new obsession

i'm late to the party with this jam, but i can't stop dancing to "call your girlfriend," by robyn. here is a fantastic recreation of the video by snl's taran killam:

who needs pins?

this is hilarious...billed as "the best of pintrest, without having to look at the pictures," the pictureless pintrest twitter feed (@PicturelessPins), just describes what the pictures are - e.g., "adele, wrapped in a wooly blanket" - clever!

what a difference...

...a roadtrip makes. hard to believe that it's been one year since i embarked on SMurph Across America.

did a quick update on my states map - now up to 35 states (70%).



although i've been to airports in colorado & kentucky and i've through delaware, i really haven't spent any time there, so not counting them yet...something to aspire to!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

assuming i have any readers left out there, this little gnome is back!

i know - unacceptable that it's been two months since i've posted. but, to be fair, in that time i travelled to 7 cities in the matter of a month and had six weeks of house guests.

are those excuses accpetable enough? pretty please...?

who approved this?

a hot dog-stuffed pizza??

what more to say but who approved this?


now, i'm not hating - i love the jerz. but who wants to win a trip to jersey city, frommers? what kind of prize is that?

this is a bit old, but still lovely. a family in germany has been collecting eggs & decorating their tree for decades - stunning! 

why i heart the queen

not too long ago, her majesty was attending a function honoring seniors at a local county hall. in the next room, a couple were getting married - she decided to pop by and offer her congratulations. love.

Monday, February 20, 2012

happy presidents day!

...brought to you by mt. rushmore and the great presidential ruler.

(with a special shout-out to SRB!)

who knew?

that today is not only presidents day, but also the birthday of chuck e. cheese. the big 3-5...aren't you a little old for you own establishment?


really mötley crüe...a kia ad? sigh.


is something that is the same price as before really on sale? 200 = 200, correct?

big cookin'

that is largest grater i have ever seen. why would you need that? giant wheel of cheese?


now did i *really* break the internet, cnet?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012


this lady totally made my morning the other day. it was dreary & rainy and here she was...a vision of sunshine on the subway. i was most impressed that she had matched the tones of yellow exactly.

a fellow commuter was chatting her up, so i eavesdropped. she's an artist (not surprisingly) and is currently an assistant working in the gallery/studio of a famous artist. she can never reveal who it is, for fear of losing her job...the world must think the famous artist produces his own work. wouldn't even give a hint.

it was such an interesting conversation that i stayed on one extra stop just to listen in!

separated at birth?

i've been noticing a lot of people lately, wherein i think, "that reminds me of..."

first up, this sponsored story was served to me on facebook as part of one of their case studies. this dude reminded me of phil collen of def leppard fame.

separated at birth? (part deux)

bikram choudhury, of sweat-box yoga fame...and van morrison.

separated at birth? (part trois)

this stockphoto lady in the credit report banner ad...and christina applegate.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

kung hei fat choi!

The Dragon

as a dragon, i'm super excited for this (chinese) new year.

that hansel - he's so hot right now

incidentally, this year of the dragon brings the end of the "year of mugatu," when everyone - i mean everyone - was taking crazy pills. thankfully, it's now the "year of hansel," which should prove to be more relaxed. and hot.

but it's my birthday

while it's fun to shout "scaramouche! scaramouche!," it's probably not a good idea. duly noted.

truth in tweets

i can't deny either of these statements...

bulletin board

this seems like a very niche item (interest+size) to try to sell on the building bulletin board, no?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

i'm ron burgundy?

i don't know where you can get one of these sweatshirts, but it is a-mazing.

fanciest crafternoons ever

macaroni jewelry is a staple crafternoon growing up. alas, these are dolce & gabbana!

not sure how much the catwalk creations cost, but i'm sure you can craft your own for a fraction of the price. in fact, instructions can be found here.

who knew?

apparently, marshmallows are the new cupcake. who knew? that said, i'm down - delish.

word of the day

i forget the context in which i read this, but imbroglio is definitely the word of the day. need to try to work that into a conversation this week. "that is one imbroglio of a media plan..."

Monday, January 9, 2012


i suppose this $1 gag gift would be funny...if anyone used white out anymore. i'd hate to be that marketing department...oops.


while googling "white out liquid paper," i came across the brand, has it been redesigned. unrecognizable from the black & white of yore! who knew?


now, why would facebook think i should get and ad for an upstate new york pet bird club?


Sunday, January 8, 2012

good advice

even though this is no longer the year of fitness, this is good advice nevetheless. holidays over, it's time to get moving again!

(found here, via swiss-miss - a great design meets resolutions project)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012: the year of...

2011's year of fitness was a success! a 5k run, a treadmill that did not turn into a clothes rack and a few lbs. shed - so much activity has tuckered me out.

the verdict is in and 2012 is the year of sleep! trying to get myself to bed at a reasonable hour (i.e., not 3am) and not oversleeping. wish me luck!


grody to the (pepsi) max!

who knew?

...that you could pick up a parakeet or hamster for 99 cents? bargain.

bonus: who knew there were more than one variety of hamster?

who knew? (part deux)

that you could pick up a pregnancy test at the 99c store?! what are the odds this is accurate?