Wednesday, May 16, 2012

i die

i have an irrational fear of mayonnaise. a compulsive aversion. i can't even look at it, let alone be near it.

i found this photo via stumbleupon - something to the effect of "pranks to torture your friends" - mayo filled donuts.

i would die. literally die.

oh, mets

those poor mets - five teams in the n.l. east and they couldn't squeeze them in?

who knew?

this headline made me do a doubletake. in case you are wondering, they are: doors, beeps, photos, phones & wheels. who knew?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

this little gnome...

i know i *just* started up the blog again, but - alas - i'm off for a bit. heading down south for some fun with the fam. see you next week!

my new obsession

this just might be my favorite jam with a xylophone:


from a company dubbed "bad idea shits," this one is one of my faves. don't worry, she's fine.

oh, mariah

what a headline!

since TFAAF is a family friendly blog, we just couldn't post the pic. you'll just have to google it.

one word - yikes.

so true

if vermeer's girl with the pearl earring were a facebook profile picture, it might look something like this.