Friday, April 30, 2010

aloha from brooklyn

gorgeous evening in nyc today. was heading out to brooklyn after work and decided to walk across the bridge.

standing about midway over, i always get this feeling of just how mighty new york city is. and i'm reminded of a friend's favorite quote (by john updike):

"The true New Yorker secretly believes that people living everywhere else have to be, in some sense, kidding."

(thanks, MEC)

can't. look. away.

you really must stick around until 0:56. then, you will not be able to look away. bendy!!

now, is this necessary?

a louis vuitton iPad case?


who knew?

who knew you could still find gaslights in manhattan? these can be found in city hall park.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i can get behind this

a great quote from herb kelleher at southwest airlines. and a great visualization to boot.

(via swiss-miss)

why i feel old, part 24

i really thought i had another year until i was bumped to a new demo bracket. sigh.

why i feel old, part 25

there's a new electo-pop band in the UK called Dekade...they are the sons of two members of Duran Duran. sigh.


can you name 1000 things that are awesome? here's a sample:

check out more here.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

rainy days & mondays

...& where bad umbrellas go to die.

if there is something

time warner is giving me free showtime for 3 months. i've concluded there is nothing worth paying for.

that said, i've dvred a few flicks. flashbacks of a fool - starring daniel craig - was a 2-star. apart from this fantastic scene, with a little roxy music to boot:

i'm thinking that maybe i'll try to bring back blue eye shadow...

who approved this? (age edition)

if 43 now counts for "senior," houston we have a problem.

lilacs are lovely this time of year

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

flip flop 1, dude 0

amusing. love the assist at 0:24.

(thanks, AC)

dear american airlines (part une)

when i'm waiting to board a plane...and the plane is delayed...feel free to let me know and leave it at that.

please do not say, "we have a situation, so maintenance has boarded the plane..." unless it's the situation, i'd rather you keep me in the dark.


dear american airlines (part deux)

just so you know, a loose headrest should not qualify as a "situation." that said, nice macguyver use of duct tape to get that back in order.

dear american airlines (part trois)

thanks for the upgrade to first class on my way home. flossy, flossy.

i do appreciate the hot towel, warm nuts and cool beverage. not to mention an proper meal at dinnertime.

that said, your offering of a "philly cheesesteak calzone," by any other name, is a hot pocket.

just a sayin'.


when did this become a week, hallmark? just curious.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

my new mantra

apart from hooking up with a giant fish in alleyways, of course.

who approved this? (gravy edition)

well this is quite the revelation in convenience food...the sausage & biscuit machine.

i love the excitement in the instructions: grab a biscuit! top with sausage gravy!

(thanks, JC - via gizmondo).

i heart the queen

happy birthday to h.r.h. queen elizabeth II, who turns 84 on wednesday. here she is a just precious 11 months old.

oh, winona

a hallmark hall of fame movie?

this is your comeback?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

cherry walk

speaking of eyepatches...

(spotted by murphdawg20)

new stadium, new graffti

i don't even think the new meadowlands stadium is officially open yet. i think the lacrosse tourney was the test run. and yet...the defacing has already started. sigh.

overheard @ the diner

"...and i'll have the grilled cheese deluxe. and we're actually going to start with piece of carrot cake to split."

a carrot cake appetizer? that's a new (bizarro) one!


spent the day at the brooklyn botanic garden and took a ridiculous amount of photos. here's a collage of the outing:

you can make your own via photovisi here.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

my new obsession

is australian singer-songwriter kate miller-heidke. caught her opening for ben folds this week and she was fantastic. check out this quirky, amusing ode to facebook (warning - salty language):

i suspect you'd be a pirate...

who approved this? (biblical toys edition)

now, frogs *might* be fun to play with. but, boils...not so much:

no, really, a bag of plagues??

(special thanks to my mother for passing along the bizarronesss)

hey softie

it's april and it was only 54 degrees today. hold your horses there, softie. early days yet.

gimme an H...and a U and a G and an H

i guess the sharpie didn't come with spell check?

fun at the flea

came across this gem at the flea market the other week. oh that eddie murphy (no relation) is such a hoot!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

search stories

this is fantastic...remember the google "paris" search ad from the super bowl? well now you can create your very own version. check it out here.

and please enjoy this ode to the blog:

(found via swiss miss)

fun with nashville

so much to love in this city...

beaver elvis

one stop shopping for both trinkets AND treasures

personalized spirit pouches

shotgun wedding statuettes

even the wallpaper is bedazzled

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

this little gnome...

will be kickin' back in nashville for the rest of the week. have a good one!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


tonight, the empire state building was a lovely shade of blue that matched the sky at twilight (the time of day, not the vampires).

apparently it's in honor of autism speaks & autism awareness month.

ever wonder what color the empire state building is? you can track it down here.

thanks, DD!

this was in my inbox - and cracked me up. granted, dunkin' is following 43,887 other peeps - but they sure did make me feel as special as a french cruller.

good work

way to market yourself - new york water - in a contextually-relevant environment. and, my, you are refreshing!

when you gonna go and cut that hair?

oh, tears for fears. i'm glad, after all these years, you've kept your signature "look," despite growing old gracefully. but, really, isn't time for a trim?