Monday, October 15, 2007

got another one!

as i said, skymall is just full of crap gifts. here is another one - the 'penguin teaboy'. huh? wtf? i want to meet skymall's copywriter. s/he is genius. i'm almost tempted to purchase the penguin teaboy for the low, low price of $29.95 plus shipping and handling. who could pass this up:

'Tea too strong? Too weak? Problem solved. Our nattily attired tea penguin always brews the perfect cup. Set the timer for your ideal brew time (from 1 minute up to 20) and he lowers the teabag into the water. When the time is up, he lifts it out. Couldn't be simpler or more fun.'

Firstly, is this really a problem? How hard is it to make a cuppa? Tea too strong? Yeah, it's probably because you are BREWING IT FOR 20 MINUTES, dumb ass!


Anonymous said...

One blog's crap is another blog's cute.

Personally, I agree w/birzaro gnome...and not just b/c we share March Day Ten.

bizarro gnome said...

ok, dear anonymous, fair enough. you are the second person who feels i am wrong in filing mr. peguin under 'crap'. i am willing to fold under peer pressure.

bizarro gnome said...

dear anonymous - i have read your post incorrectly - apologies. i am very glad you agree with my assessment of this being a truly crap gift!