So I am reading this book about account planning. You know thinking about the future and stuff. The book comes to the section about what characteristics make a good planner and aside from the basics strategic stuff they stress that being a bit weird and having bizarre hobbies/interests is very important. It got me thinking. I am not sure that I am interesting enough to be a planner. My weirdness extends to an unnatural obsession with star trek and my most bizarre hobby is yoga. I mean not really the stuff skeleton closets are made of.
So in short, got nothin. I suddenly realised I need plan to become more interesting. I need to get me some weird but cool and interesting mojo. Ideas? Now look out the window....Ideas? Now scratch your head....Ideas?
No seriously. Ideas? Thumb-wrestling champion of Australia? Lecturer at a top Australian University where I specialised in interpretive dance?
that's TOP lecturer at a TOP australian uni
um with the "ideas" things....can you stop stealing my quotes?!
i post incognito on this thing apparently!?
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