Thursday, February 28, 2008

bizarro gnome is...

recently, over a fireside chat on a snowy day, we were discussing facebook and trying to coax another one to pass the tipping point. 

although i was quite a skeptic to the whole facebook thing at first, i quite enjoy updating my status. gives me an opportunity to express my feelings in 2 lines or less. it's a little hit of creativity and a play with words in my excel-filled days. 

i thought that status updates were a selling point, but someone commented to the effect of, 'well, i really don't care if Jane Doe is cold.' which makes me question my constant updates. 

perhaps i will stick to barfy magnetic poetry as my creative outlet...  

1 comment:

whatevs said...

while i agree that some status updates (e.g., "jane doe is thinking about sweet pleats")are better than others (e.g., "jane doe is cold!"), i like when people use them.