there seems to be a trend now amongst my generation to relive one's diaries from our teen years. i've seen write ups & features on tv about events where peeps are reading from their diaries or posting them online. as i've recently unpacked mine from storage, thought i would share a few classic ones every now and again. all are pure teen angst. this first one is from 8th grade, age 14, and it's me debriefing on an overnight class trip to an observatory:
My Impression of the Trip
Overall, the trip was.....sucky!! The "activities" sucked. The people in my group sucked. And everyone in my class sucks.
tell us how you really feel! too funny. can you stand it? i guess that was a more grown up version of my 'i taste hate' period around the age of 3. more teen angst to come...
Bring on the angst! I love it!
ha - too funny! i only had a diary for one summer (7th grade) - but looking back through it is HYSTERICAL.
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