Friday, May 9, 2008

Admirable but Coco Loco

So we are sitting in this cool organic/'I kill nothing' cafe in Christchurch, NZ. The cafe is the inspiration of this Indian guru who as far as I can see has developed a well-meaning cult. Anyhow the place is decked out with all the paraphernalia - thought provoking sayings, blessed candles, water get the picture.

Above our table was this video playing additional material about what the guru gets up to. He does things like play free music concerts for people (playing over 100 instruments in one concert alone). He does charity work and gives inspirational talks. Oh and he also goes around the world bench pressing Soul Diva Roberta Flack, the heaviest cow in the world, and a team of sumo wrestlers.

Other people of note that he has also lifted are Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Muhammad Ali, Jesse Jackson, Eddie Murphy, Susan Sarandon, Yoko Ono, and of course Sting and Richard

Yeah I would say that he qualifies for Admirable but totally coco loco.

1 comment:

bizarro gnome said...

bench pressing yoko ono is like lifting a twiglet. but muhammad ali is pretty impressive.