Saturday, May 31, 2008

hello. is it me you're looking for?

actually, no. 

i have a woman who keeps calling me and leaving me messages on my answering machine for some one i'll call 'jane'.  

(yes, i'm that old school that not only do i have a 13" college TV still, i also have a landline, non-cordless phone & an answering machine. but, to be fair, it's a digital answering machine and not a mini-cassette tape one.)

her latest message entailed a pond being flooded, taking about a year to repair and oh, by the way i don't think that it's fair that i'm keeping all of your art books, so please come pick them up. 


1 comment:

whatevs said...

omg. i think you should call her back. and record your convo for our sake, please.