Sunday, May 11, 2008

table topic #1

my sister gave me a box of 'table topics' ice breakers as a housewarming gift. while they didn't make it out during my last game night, thought it be interesting to post & answer a few on the blog and ask our 3-5 readers to do the same in the comments. so, with out further ado...

1. What is your favorite comfort food?

I think it would have to be macaroni & cheese. Mom's homemade, jazzy restaurant style, out of the cardboard box...doesn't matter which - all are yum! 

and yours?


Anonymous said...

Librarians love MacDonald's: 10 nuggets, large fries and a medium chocolate shake. Genetically altered poultry, fat-laden carbs & artifical dairy products...yes, please!

whatevs said...

grilled cheese!