Monday, May 12, 2008

table topic #2

thanks for sharing your favorite comfort foods in TFAAF's first table topic yesterday. not sure if we will include a table topic every time we post, but here's another fun one:

2. If you could spend a Saturday morning watching any cartoon what would it be?

As an adult, I would have to say that technically my favorite cartoon is Family Guy. But, if we are talking about the Saturday morning variety cartoon it would have to by far and hands down be Scooby Doo. Particularly one of the episodes that featured a celebrity guest: Don Knots, Phillis Diller and my favorite episode - the Mama Cass in the (haunted) candy factory. 
Just as a quick aside, apparently Shaggy's real name was Norville Rogers - zoinks!  

And yours...?


Anonymous said...

Librarians love: Beavis & Butt-head. Heh-heh.

Anonymous said...

I was never a big Saturday morning cartoon fan, but if forced, I would choose (in no particular order):
- Kidd Video
- Punky Brewster (the cartoon version with Glomer)
- Beverly Hills Teens
- The Snorks
- The Chipmunks
- The McLoughlin Report

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah... or my current fave - the Backyardigans.

whatevs said...

i would go with any of these:
> scooby doo
> the jetsons
> the flintstones
> the smurfs
> inspector gadget