Monday, June 2, 2008

table topic #4

time for another table topic! 

4. If you had an unlimited budget and one hour to shop where would you go and what would you buy?

right, so as an investment strategy i probably should go somewhere like tiffany or harry winston, buy an hour's worth of diamonds to resell at a later date for profit, but i don't think that's the intension of the question. 

so, where i would really love to go is  ABC Carpet & Home, where i'd buy a $15,000 antique chinese bed frame, $5,000 Louis XVI chairs (set of 4-6), and $1,000 linens. not to mention the dozens of $800 throw pillows...


whatevs said...

i'm a little less upscale. i'd go to pottery barn.

Anonymous said...

Yr. Fav. Librarian would immediately head to Selfridge's (Oxford St.) shoe department and, if I had time, their bag department. No pillows and vases for me, thanks!