Sunday, July 6, 2008

table topic #7

very diverse answers to last week's table topic. in honor of the season, here is the next one:

7. What's your favorite summer memory?

this is definitely a blending of several memories. but, i remember the warm summer nights growing up. and the freedom of having no school the next day. and it being much lighter out much later. (of course, it was probably 9ish like it is now, but it seemed so late to me back then.) 

and i remember my dad barbecuing (with old school charcoal) on an ancient grill a the end of the porch. and poking the embers with sticks after the fire had died down. and melting a few marshmallows here & there along the way. 

and playing whiffle ball in the yard until it was too dark to see the ball anymore, when we'd switch over to catching lightning bugs (never fireflies). 

and the hum of crickets (or were they cicadas) lulling me to sleep. 


Anonymous said...

One of my favorite summer memories is the challenge of trying to get out to the ice cream truck before he passed by our house.

It all started with my super-sonic hearing. At even the faintest sound of ring-a-ding-ding, I would put the plan in motion. My sister and I were usually in the pool (sometimes snorkeling). It was my job to get out of the pool and run out to the front of the house to stop the truck - running after it down the middle of the street if necessary.

Meanwhile, my sister was in charge of finding my Dad to beg him for $1 for each of us. I would stall the truck while I waited for my sister (and the cash), hopping from one foot to the other to avoid being burned by the hot pavement and struggling with the internal debate of Fat Frog vs. Bubble O'Bill.

If everything went according to plan, we'd get our ice cream and then sit on the grass eating it and dripping fluorescent green ice cream all over the front of our bathing suits (Fat Frog was usually the big winner).

This was such an important part of our summer days that I still sometimes take off running when I hear the chime of ice cream truck bells in the distance.

bizarro gnome said...

love it! excellent memory.

fat frog...or...bubble o'bill? i'm glad that fat frog is your big winner, so to speak.