Monday, September 8, 2008

table topic #14

this week we have a multiple choice:

14. Would you rather your home had a pool, a tennis court or a rose garden?

well, assuming that i had a home...

i would like a rose garden, but that's only going to be in bloom about 2 months out of the year. a tennis court would be fun, but i don't know how much i'd actually use it. 

so, in all practicality (plus the fact that i do like a good swim), i'd have to go pool. 


whatevs said...

definitely a pool!

sally said...

Pool pool pool! Roses are a pain to maintain and I don't own a tennis racket.

Anonymous said...

pool seems like a lot of work to maintain...and it would entice me to be outside a lot, and that's just not good for the skin :) I'd settle for a table and chairs with some shade...then I'd go swim in whatev's pool...