an adapted table topic from the pregnancy edition, this week:
19. What was your favorite board game growing up?
i love board games. unfortunately, my parents did not. so, family game night was few & far between. and they inevitably ended in tears.
years later, my mom would find an old version of pictionary in our back hallway. in the box would be a list i had written entitled, "games i will never play with my family again". #1 on the list - pictionary.
but, i digress. growing up i really loved candyland. the gumdrop mountains, queen frostine. it was similar in approach to chutes & ladders, but that felt so methodical. candyland, however, was pure, sugary fun.
Chinese Checkers, without a doubt. Family tournaments around the kitchen table.
ha, was going to say candyland before i looked at the pic! just know i hated monopoly.
wow, there are too many to just pick one! my faves were:
> boggle
> scrabble
> chinese checkers
> trivial pursuit
so, no pedigree brand monopoly at the next PGT game night, JS?
whatevs, all of yours are on the consideration list.
Ooh... So many games to choose from.
In my very early years, I liked Chutes + Ladders. However, the 3-year old speech-impaired version of me called it Doots and Ladders.
I also liked Perfection. Do you remember that game? You had to fit all of the different shaped pieces into the spring-loaded, ticking time-bomb of a board before it exploded all over the place? Actually - now that I think about it, I think I can trace a lot of my issues with stress and anxiety back to that game.
And as my final contender, I submit "Don't Tip the Waiter". In that game, you had to pile plates of food on the tray of a cardboard tuxedoed waiter. The goal was to take turns piling on as much as you could without tipping over the waiter. Hence the literal title. Hmm... As I think back on it, that was a pretty stressful game too. It all is starting to make sense.
interesting assessment...
i never played tip the waiter. but, i LOVED perfection - good one!
ha, i totally remember the ads for "don't tip the waiter"...we also played a lot of made-up non-board games, i enjoyed charades and "talk show host", followed by "lawyer" and "cashier"..hence why i love the self scan machines at the store :)
oh i remembered another one....hungry, hungry hippos!!
i loved perfection, too.
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