Sunday, October 26, 2008

table topic #20

here's an arty table topic this week:

20. If you could design a postage stamp what would you create?

hmm...totally random, but for some reason my initial thinking is a peach. a juicy summery peach. in a retro sort of style. maybe with a funky art deco style font. or like old general store signs. even though i have a lot of heart for the pineapple, i'm going to go peach. 


Anonymous said...

since i'm not so artsy, i'd put sad puppy on..puppies make everyone happy...

Anonymous said...

I'd create a postage stamp of a postage stamp. Or maybe I'd create a garbage pail kids commemorative stamp series. I dunno - one fo the two.

bizarro gnome said...

i'm inspired by your creativity, ladies!

excellent pic of the sad puppy - tho, you know my feelings on dogs.

the idea of a postage stamp of a postage stamp is blowing my mind right now.

whatevs said...

i'd add a red phillies P onto that liberty bell freedom stamp....


....create an '80s stamp collection. you know, saved by the bell, george michael, the smurfs, etc.