Tuesday, February 3, 2009

table topic #27

multiple choice today:

27. Would you rather have a great wardrobe or an amazing car?

i'm neither a clothes person, nor a car person. but, i'd have to choose clothes. not just because I don't have much use for one in NYC. it's just that i've never been into cars. 

i have always driven any P.O.S. car that was handed down to me - the maroon chevy caprice family station wagon, the grey oldsmobile nicknamed "the silver bullet," the pink "champagne supernova" lebaron & the lavender ford probe that came with insta-car payments.  

hmmm...actually...on second thought, i'll pick an amazing car. it's about time.


sally said...

Oooo wardrobe, please. Please. Please.

whatevs said...


btw, you've had alot of wild color cars!

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, I too drove an Oldsmobile that I called "The Blue Bomber"...it overheated everytime I stopped at a red light. Ah, the memories.