multiple choice today:
27. Would you rather have a great wardrobe or an amazing car?
i'm neither a clothes person, nor a car person. but, i'd have to choose clothes. not just because I don't have much use for one in NYC. it's just that i've never been into cars.
i have always driven any P.O.S. car that was handed down to me - the maroon chevy caprice family station wagon, the grey oldsmobile nicknamed "the silver bullet," the pink "champagne supernova" lebaron & the lavender ford probe that came with insta-car payments.
hmmm...actually...on second thought, i'll pick an amazing car. it's about time.
Oooo wardrobe, please. Please. Please.
btw, you've had alot of wild color cars!
Interestingly, I too drove an Oldsmobile that I called "The Blue Bomber"...it overheated everytime I stopped at a red light. Ah, the memories.
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