turns out, it's not only jerry o'connell that has been sucked into the vortex that is the lifetime movie event - nora roberts, edition.
looks like jason lewis, brittany murphy & leann rimes will all be playing sultry roles for the cable network. leann is also allegedly having an affair with her airbrushed co-star. that's more scandalous than lifetime could ever hope to be...
all of these movies look fab, and i am not even a lifetime movie watcher.
i think that leann rimes story is totes planted. why was us weekly trailing her into restaurants and hotels? wait til you see those lifetime ratings.
also, glad to know that thai from "clueless" is alive and well!
agreed - i think it's planted too. but really, she must have a pay-per-ratings in her contract for her to OK something like that...
i saw this on a bus side today and totally thought of you :)
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