Monday, July 20, 2009

where the wild things are

i know i will likely be reprimanded by a certain librarian for having never read this book, but i think the trailer for the spike jones adaptation looks fantastic:

i also enjoyed the write-up on stuffwhitepeoplelike, here.  and yes, i do "feel a ticking timebomb whereby [i] must read the book in advance of the movie." 

1 comment:

sally said...

A certain librarian, indeed. We have had this discussion in the past, with you claiming no knowledge of "Where the Wild..." Yr. Fav. Librarian doesn't believe that not ONCE did you hear this book read aloud during your formative years. I choose to believe that you were willfully ignoring the teacher/librarian who was doing her best to expose you to great literature. For shame, Bizzaro Gnome.