i love things that are a) random and b) bizarro. so, i was quite delighted the last time i was down in nashville that the opryland hotel was hosting, "ICE!" - charlie brown's christmas recreated in, well, ice. parkas included.
nyc saw a good layer of snow this weekend - by last night (well, 2:35am), i had several inches on my windowsill, with 11" in total falling in central park.
that domino's bike delivery guys was having a rough time navigating the sloppy streets.
so, this is obviously a terrible story about a bus accident. but i do think it's a little bizarro that someone bothered to change the route sign on the front to, "sorry, not in service" - ya think?
on sunday, i hit up the radio city christmas spectacular. for all the years i've lived in & around nyc (appx. 26 of them), i've actually never been.
if i was 9, i think i would of found it just that. not sure if "spectacular" is the best adjective, but not a bad way to spend an hour and a half this time of year.
came across this guy hanging out on the santa monic pier. apparently, you can buy your very own zoltar for the low, low price of $8,999.95. who knew? order by december 15th for christmas delivery.
it's hard for me to believe that 2009 is coming to a end. with that, it's time for a new theme for 2010. year of____?
so far, we've had the "year of decisions" (2007), the "year of rest" (2008) and, of course, this year's "year of new york city," aka YoNYC. so, here's a new table topic:
32. What should bizarro gnome's 2010 "year of..." theme be?
as you can see, crate and barrel has suggested "year of cookies" -
which, is not a bad suggestion. perhaps "muffin of the week" could morph into the "year of baking"? how about "year of reinvention"? "year of hijinx"?
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If you hang around long enough, you will end up running the place.
It was basically like a set-up. They didn't tell us nothing, we didn't think nothing, because basically we are innocent. We don't know nothing about this drugs and stuff, we don't know nothing.
It's all coming together, everything is going global.
Kiki loves you.
Note to self
Nothing beats Touché
Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.
Speaking of eye patches...
That was a Spitalfields story.
That's just how we roll.
Too much seeing of the people.
Touch Kiki!
Touching We(e) - best strategy ever. Ever!
Tune into life, [insert name here].
We've found ourselves on a trail of bullsh*t.
Well, it's technically creative.
What I like to do is...
Who the hell is this muppet?
You'll see Venus and Serena, in the Wimbledon Arena.