Thursday, February 11, 2010

table topic #33

so, i really don't like that my work starbucks now needs my name to order a latte. while it might help alieviate some confusion at the bar, i don't feel like the world needs to know my identity, nor my order. so, i've decide that i will start giving them fake names...

33. What should my Starbucks fake-name be?

kiki? trixie? comments are open for suggestions!


Anonymous said...


Or you could keep mixing it up - work through, say, girl bands: Posh one day, Baby the next, etc etc

sally said...

You need a name that the barista would be too embarassed to shout out to a room full of people. Maybe something that starts w/Ima...Ima Hogg, Ima Fool, etc.

whatevs said...

seymour butz!