Wednesday, October 3, 2007


i love overhearing random snipppets of conversation. (see Overheard Underground link below). for example, i just passed two colleagues having a convo in the hallway and one said to the other, 'well, i really like to keep it fresh.' i'm not sure what 'it' is, but i think that's a great line (and, he said it with total seriousness, too).

i always thought it would be a great idea to turn overheard lines into a book or a movie somehow (tho, probably a bit too complicated). however, i think my new challege is going to be to work the overheard line into a conversation i'm having later in the day. now, i just need to find the right context for keepin' it fresh...


van ramblings said...

probably talking about herbs or vegetable storage. last sign of fresh I saw was circa 1900 "stella artois" strategy.

whatevs said...

i love this phrase. i also think this is a wonderful idea for a book.