Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Nancy No Mates

It's official. I've topped out at 46 friends. Every time I check facebook I have this moment of anticipation to see if any new people have asked me to join their facebook friends' group. This moment of course is shortly followed by the moment of disappointment as it has been some months now since I have had a request. Granted I haven't been out there working the tenuous links I had with people some 10-15 years ago but still I wait in hope that other people are.

Before I was really happy with my 46 friends now they just serve to remind me that I am unpopular. Oh 46 why so cruel?

1 comment:

bizarro gnome said...

wow. i feel like a loser now - i have a grand total of 17 mates. agent 46 should shut her pie hole, if you ask me.