Monday, October 1, 2007

where is? o­ù est? dov'è?

i get stopped for directions all the time. and where ever i go. my record is 8 times in one day, here in london.

this weekend in paris, i was nearly stopped 4 times. i say nearly as twice i was legitimately stopped - once for the opera (oui, it's that way) and once for the right train (oui, it's that one to chelles). as for the other two, one was from a guy hanging out of a car (i don't respond to calls from a car that pulls up along side you, for obvious reasons - he later asked the dustman ahead), the other from someone who poked me. i don't respond to poking either.

so, my question is...why do i get stopped for directions all the time? even in countries where i don't speak the language? is it because my looks are so generic i could pass for british or french or swedish? (ok, that one is a stretch, but i have been stopped in stockholm for directions). or, is it, as i like to think, that i walk with purposeful determination, like i know where i am going, and therefore have an air of knowledge about me?


whatevs said...

this happens to me, too!! i'd like to think it's b/c we look approachable and friendly. i always get asked for help/directions on the subway, on the street, in a store, etc.

just this wknd, i was stopped on the street while i was RUNNING with my ipod on and asked.....for a cigarette. yeah buddy, i always carry a cigarette with me while i exercise. ridonks!

bizarro gnome said...

i'm glad to hear that you don't smoke when you run. however, we must do something about that vodka in your evian bottle.

whatevs said...

well, i feel like the vodka helps keep me goin'....

bizarro gnome said...

true. plus, it worked for oksana baiul.