Monday, October 1, 2007

Admirable but coco loco

In the line at Starbucks this afternoon, Bizarro Gnome in a response to a Van Rambling said, "that is admirable but coco loco". It got us thinking, what else is admirable but coco loco? e.g. Like not ever going on a holiday, anywhere, ever, to save the environment. Admirable but coco loco.


whatevs said...

i like this phrase. how about people who decide to go without electrity for a year to save the environment?

bizarro gnome said...

how about people who try to save money by splitting two-ply toilet paper into two rolls? (saw that on oprah once).

van ramblings said...

What about wearing natural deodourant because it is better for your body but having to go around stinking with really bad b.o. Is that admirable but totally coco loco or what? Been there got that t-shirt.

Bizarro gnome I just noticed we were doing I, because, but. THis is so much more fun!!

whatevs said...

what about people who don't flush the toilet every time ("If its yellow let it mellow, if its brown flush it down", per "meet the fockers")? gross.

van ramblings said...

buying innocent smoothies daily because it claims to give you your daily intake of fruit but working out it costs you £20 a week to do it.

van ramblings said...

Eating your lunch with a wooden fork because planet organic (lunch place) believes in reducing plastic waste but getting a plastic bag to carry said lunch back to work. Admirable but coco loco.

bizarro gnome said...

what about boycotting starbucks because half of the milk they use is from cows injected with growth hormones, even tho they make the best damn misto on the block?