now that i am a lady of leisure, i have been spending a lot of time at coffee shops. at crunchy granola one in my hood, they like to put up a sign everyday that is a bit like an off-line facebook status. it says: today we're feeling..., followed by, well, how they are feeling.
today we are feeling existential despair. love it. or do i? maybe i'm indifferent. maybe i feel nothing.
I love it. I think this is great and now want to erect a board at my desk where people can get my offline 'status'. 'Not interested' may be one which stays up for a while. Right, project for next week: get whiteboard at my desk. This will be fun.
hee hee. is that K and P, or CP? One has better coffee, one has better couches - but who on earth has the existential wisdoms?
that would be CP - better crap seats than crap coffee!
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