Thursday, April 17, 2008


i am one human being on a planet of 6 billion and i'm starting to feel a bit out of control on the communication front. 

right now, next to me on the couch are 2 laptops (well, 1 next to me and 1 on my lap as intended), 2 cellphones and 1 blackberry, which is part of this total list of connectedness: 

- 3 telephone numbers
- 4 cellphone handsets (2 waiting to be recycled)
- 1 blackberry
- 3 email addresses
- 1 active blog
- 2 laptops  
- 1 facebook profile 
- 3 snail mail addresses 
i'm considering getting a fax machine, but then i think that maybe my connectedness is getting a bit ridonks?

1 comment:

whatevs said...

next, you'll need a belt clip for your blackberry and phones. hot.