this is manny. so named by my sister & i because, well, he's a man.
manny is david-esque. same face & hair. same contrapposto stature (i'm sure my parents are glad my art history degree is paying off with the use of that term on the blog). except that manny is a bit more standoffish than david (crossed arms) and a bit more modest (wrapped in a sort of towel/loin cloth).
apparently manny was a wedding gift to my parents. i guess that was an appropriate gift back in the 70s?
growing up, manny was frequently barbie's date. we never had a ken doll. we had manny and another male figure - a wooden zulu statue. i think we called him steve. steve also dated barbie at one time. both were friends with shana from the holograms (of jem fame) and mrs. butterworth, who was also part of this bizarro clique.
after the barbie years manny hung out in our living room, on the side table. i recently rescued manny from storage. he is now perched on the ledge that separates my kitchen & new breakfast nook, happily guarding my take out menus.
i like manny, even if he's not to be confused with a male nanny.
argh! scary flash-back and reminder of my age.
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