Ok. I get it. It is hot. We don't want to melt inside if we don't have to. I agree air-conditioning is necessary but things, in my opinion, are way out of control here in good old USA. Just tonight I walked from the air-conditioned house where I was getting around in jeans and a jumper (sweater for our American audience). Why? Because it was close to freezing inside. Then I got into the air-conditioned car where the temperature was 69 degrees F. OMG, again bloody freezin. Then I stepped into the restaurant where you guessed it, Antartica. So yeah, it is hot outside but can we please chill out on the air-conditioning. Aside from the environmental impact, it is just wrong that I even have to wear a long-sleeve anything in this beautiful summer weather.
totally agree!
currently, in our office there is a battle of the sexes going on. the boys keep calling maintenance saying it's too hot, the girls too cold.
in response, they send up a woman in ecto-goggles to measure the temperature with what looked like a PKE meter belonging to the ghostbusters.
she claimed it was a balmy 70, but i'm not buying it.
100% agreement. My library is kept at a frosty 72 at all times. As a result, I haven't had to change out my fall/winter wardrobe for over two years.
This is why the stereotype of the librarian-in-a-sweater-set exists, we have to wear those things b/c we are all fricken' freezin'!
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