Sunday, August 3, 2008

table topic #10

here's another food one for this week's table topic: 

10. What's your favorite junk food?

i haven't had one in about 15 years, but i was always partial to a chocodile. the finest twinkie covered in the cheapest, thinnest chocolate imaginable. per wikipedia, chocodiles have not been made on the east coast since the 1990s, which might explain why i haven't had one in a while. as back up hostess choice, i'd  have to go with the orangey vanilla cupcakes - never the chocolate - yum. 


Anonymous said...

my fave was v similar to the chocodile, but it was filled with peanut buttery goodness-- cant remember the name!

bizarro gnome said...

i think those were called funny bones.

Anonymous said...

Yes!!! Love it....

whatevs said...

hmmm...i can't think of specific "junk food" but i always have been partial to cheese & crackers.

sally said...

Definitely Cheetos. Mmm, all that cheesy goodness out of the bag...and then there is the second course on your fingers! Highly unsanitary but ever so satisfying.