So I am reading an article about what lengths retailers are going to to get shoppers to spend, given it´s Xmas and all and we have this bloody inconvenient recession. Thanks dumbass bankers and stupid people buying stuff they can´t afford.
So the article does a quick wrap up around the globe, London has Sainsbury´s "Feed the Family for a Fiver" promotion, Australian retailer ´Just Jeans´ is givng away a plethora of prizes every week until Xmas. So nothing really out of the ordinary.
But apparently in the US "mall operator ´Macerich Co.´ is pumping scents through hidden outlets in decorative dispays and last week employees were ask to clap and cheer for customers as the entered the malls, to thank them for showing up."
"Good job you in the blue shirt, thanks for coming and buying stuff today." Mall Cheerleading, now that´s a Xmas job I want.
wow a real, live van ramblings posting!
much like britney, the flame is back, y'all.
i think that mall cheerleading sounds like a great job for pandora, no?
well she would in theory like it - filling the criteria of not in an office - but then she would probably get sore hands with all that clapping and that would be the hand of it.
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