remember the bizarro swap that i had in my last apartment building?
unfortunately, my new place doesn't have one. but, we do have a resident message board. this week's offering:
seeing as how i still have my 13" TV+VHS combo lying around, i'm considering calling you to tell me about these hours of fun. and for 50 cents a piece? steal.
bizarrely, this morning i woke up at 6:45am and couldn't get back to sleep.
so, i got up and by 10am i had: made myself a breakfast sandwich, attended mass, hit the grocery store, washed a load of dishes and baked a dozen banana chocolate chip muffins.
phew! so this is what it's like to be an early bird...!
last thursday i hit up bowery ballroom to see kate nash. the opening act was a group of middle schoolers called, "supercute" who were full of teen spirt and up way passed their bedtime:
The views and opinions expressed on TFAAF are entirely our own and do not represent the views and opinions of our respective employers and their clients.
If you hang around long enough, you will end up running the place.
It was basically like a set-up. They didn't tell us nothing, we didn't think nothing, because basically we are innocent. We don't know nothing about this drugs and stuff, we don't know nothing.
It's all coming together, everything is going global.
Kiki loves you.
Note to self
Nothing beats Touché
Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.
Speaking of eye patches...
That was a Spitalfields story.
That's just how we roll.
Too much seeing of the people.
Touch Kiki!
Touching We(e) - best strategy ever. Ever!
Tune into life, [insert name here].
We've found ourselves on a trail of bullsh*t.
Well, it's technically creative.
What I like to do is...
Who the hell is this muppet?
You'll see Venus and Serena, in the Wimbledon Arena.