while we are on the subject of public displays, can we talk about how mobile phones with music features have now become the new boombox? who said it's ok to listen to your music on the bus sans headphones (giant or otherwise).
funny example - on a recent train journey a dude was playing music over his headphones. the exchange with his neighbor was priceless: 'can you turn that shit off? who likes phil collins. IN FACT, NOBODY DOES' needless to say, she won the battle and spared us of 2.5 hours of Sussudio.
2.5 hrs of Su-su-sudio to me sounds like heaven. I too have noticed this trend but I think it is totally acceptable whenever Phil Collins is involved.
agreed - i love phil. if he was also listening to george michael, journey, or hall & oates, this earphones guy sounds right up my alley....
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