Monday, February 4, 2008

a poet and you don't even know it

so, i got one of those magnetic poetry kits for christmas. or, more accurately, i went a bit 90s retro & gave a magnetic poetry kits for christmas as a secret santa gift in a round robin exchange - and i chose my own gift because i wanted it. is that cheating? i suppose a bit.
anyway, i opened it up the other night and stuck it to my new fridge and assembled a poem as a way to avoid sunday night chores. here goes:

you dazzled me when you smiled 
on this brilliant morning
perfumed with champagne breezes
and cakey kisses
if but not for you 
i would perhaps decay
from having no foolish desires 

pure cheese!


Anonymous said...

oh puke. i almost lost my feng sushi.

whatevs said...

that poem was what mr renyolds would say, "wonderful".