while i was in london, i caught a provocative documentary on the bbc about the plight of the honeybee. did you know that our bees are disappearing? and suffering from a global epidemic called CCD - colony collapse disorder? and that a related book is the #19 best selling non-fiction book at heathrow airport?
who knew there was so much drama at the zoo? harry has left pepper for a female widow named linda. linda has now been branded a "homewrecker." you can't make this up, kids!
i know i will likely be reprimanded by a certain librarian for having never read this book, but i think the trailer for the spike jones adaptation looks fantastic:
i also enjoyed the write-up on stuffwhitepeoplelike, here. and yes, i do "feel a ticking timebomb whereby [i] must read the book in advance of the movie."
apologies, faithful TFAAF readers, for my laptop has died. i have been computerless for a week now, so i haven't been posting. thankfully, it's in the shop, so hopefully we'll be up and running again soon!
is a pair of cataract sunglasses and faux potted violets. seriously, who is leaving this crap? my neighbors appear to have moved out. but, they were two college dudes, so i doubt these were in their possession.
what happens when you cross a "we are the world" remake with your hard-at-work tax dollars? why yes, it is a PSA for the usa.gov website.
who approved this? how many layers of government did this have to go through? that said, my fave part is the bruce springsteen style solo with the cameo of abe lincoln around 0:47:
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If you hang around long enough, you will end up running the place.
It was basically like a set-up. They didn't tell us nothing, we didn't think nothing, because basically we are innocent. We don't know nothing about this drugs and stuff, we don't know nothing.
It's all coming together, everything is going global.