so, this was my experience voting tonight...
voter (me): hi, i believe this is my district.
pleasant pollworker: ok, name?
voter (me): bizarro gnome
curmudgeon electoral inspector: sigh. well, you waited until the last minute.
pleasant pollworker: ok, here we go - sign here, please.
curmudgeon electoral inspector: why did you wait until the last minute?
pleasant pollworker: please excuse him. you do not have to answer that.
voter (me): exactly.
in the immortal words of stephanie tanner, "how rude!" now yes, i did arrive just as the polls were closing. but, the polls were legally open until 9pm in new york and i was perfectly within my constitutional right to vote. and there were still voters coming in behind me.
total bummer, new york. i may just have to write a letter of complaint to the board of elections...