Wednesday, December 31, 2008
As Big As Your Head
This goes out to Murph - the biggest pork rind I ever did see, spotted in La Paz. A street-eats-why-not? Bet you can't eat just one......

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
this little gnome...
oh, amazon

you are getting like facebook now, insulting me with your recommendations.
i am not interested in microwave pork rinds. and certainly not an 18 pack.
speaking of amazon...

i was checking on the status of some of my orders to make sure they arrived, when i noticed that you can review your past orders.
i found ones from 1999. and apparently, i purchased not one, but two snoopy snow cone machines that year.
one of them went to someone that i now have no idea who it is. am i getting that old?!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
random bizarro finding
debbie downer #1

this pretty much sums up the current state of things. while i managed to get a christmas tree, not a decoration in sight. couldn't even manage to get the christmas decorations out of the monica closet. sigh.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
oldie, but goodie
OK, since even the librarian didn't like the oneword creative writing assignment, how about this old ad to bring TFAAF back to frivolity?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
table topic #24

holiday themed one this week...
24. What is your favorite holiday song?
hmm...i have a couple of faves.
on the traditional side, joy to the world brings back fond memories - my sister & i getting the church giggles during mass from the cadence of the pew in front of us - when we were way too old to be caught laughing at church.
as far as music videos go, you can't beat the ridiculous holiday attire and over the top facial expressions of the hall & oates version of jingle bell rock. on the contemporary side, i always loved christmas in hollis by run dmc - this is usually my #1.
but, this year the top spot is going to christmas wrapping, by the waitresses. you mean you forgot cranberries too??
admirable, but coco loco (pet edition)
one word
here is an interesting exercise. one word, one minute to write whatever comes to your mind. as you can see mine was "held" this time around:

i may have stolen this from one of my loyal readers, so apologies if i did! you can try it yourself here.
happy birthday!
Friday, December 12, 2008
not quite sure exactly...
what is this?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Trans, the export conspiracy.....

You know how everything on food packaging says "0% Trans Fat" and you are thinking that´s great but what the hell does contain Trans Fat because I have yet to find this evil monster. Well my friends it´s alive and well in everything in Argentina. Turns out they shipped all that Trans here from the US and have been going gang busters ever since. You can´t swing a cat in this place without eating Trans. Couple that with all the steak, late night eating, dolche de leche (crazy caramel on everything of course including Trans) and empanadas....It seems the health craze has not quite made it to Argentina yet.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
in case you were wondering...
found it
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Mall Cheering....Give me a ......

So I am reading an article about what lengths retailers are going to to get shoppers to spend, given it´s Xmas and all and we have this bloody inconvenient recession. Thanks dumbass bankers and stupid people buying stuff they can´t afford.
So the article does a quick wrap up around the globe, London has Sainsbury´s "Feed the Family for a Fiver" promotion, Australian retailer ´Just Jeans´ is givng away a plethora of prizes every week until Xmas. So nothing really out of the ordinary.
But apparently in the US "mall operator ´Macerich Co.´ is pumping scents through hidden outlets in decorative dispays and last week employees were ask to clap and cheer for customers as the entered the malls, to thank them for showing up."
"Good job you in the blue shirt, thanks for coming and buying stuff today." Mall Cheerleading, now that´s a Xmas job I want.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
table topic #23 - interactive!

thanks to faithful reader yr. fav. librarian for suggesting this table topic - our first interactive, one! this will require a little work on everyone's part. it's called the "nearest book meme" (what a great word meme):
23. Here are the instructions:
*Get the book nearest you to. Right now.
*Go to page 56.
*Find the 5th sentence.
*Write that sentence here in the comments (as adapted for this table topic).
*Don't look for your favorite book or your coolest, but really the nearest.
here's mine:
"A gracefully time-worn mirror and round coffee table (an excellent foil for a boxy seating area) introduce some history and patina to the modern mix."
from domino: the book of decorating. actually, i really need this sentence. i've got a nice patina mirror in my living room at the moment, but my black, rectangular coffee table is really sucking the life out of the space, particularly given the boxy seating arrangement i have. round you say?
fun. i've already seen this pop up in a facebook status. will be very interested to see what everyone comes up with!
she's a color scientist

i didn't even know that the career existed until i came a cross an article a few months back in time magazine. it talked about companies like pantone and how there are think tanks that set color trends for the coming years.
this year, the article pointed out, "purple is having a moment". forecast for 2009 - watchout for mimosa everyone!
speaking of color...

pantone has teamed up with an astrologer for a book called "colorstrology."
my march day ten birthday color is Pantone 12-0426, Mellow Green, which indicates that i'm "kind. deep. talented."
aww, thanks for that. you can check out your own colorstrology here.
ebay newbie
so, i never got into the whole ebay thing. and the one person i did know that used ebay was ripped off. (well, he was asking for it, sending a money order to a shady canadian PO box in the hopes of receiving a playstation.) so, i've always been skeptical.

but, now that i'm on a retro/flea market style furniture kick, i've been poking around. i'm kinda loving this vintage clock at the moment. it's pretty bold-looking, but in situ, i think it works.

bidding ends tomorrow - what do you think?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
happy holidays...or, not

totally stole this from last in london's facebook posting, but as you know i'm a fan of other people's pictures (OPPs) and they are too funny not to share.
the chicago tribune is compiling "scared of santa" photos on its site. you can check them out here.
fun fortune
the king...of crap gifts?

oh, skymall. you continue to surprise and delight me with your fine offerings.
last week on my flight to nashville i came across this bad boy - the singing & talking elvis. this animatronic bust croons eight tunes and even includes unique facial features like the king's curled upper lip.
a great holiday gift for the low, low price of $199.95
oh, lean cuisine

i can totally envision the development of this ad:
"right, so we need to really boost sales of lean cuisine this quarter. we really want to highlight all of our varieties and demonstrate the breadth of our product offering."
"hey, can we tap into popular culture as well? like, iPods and iTunes are really hot right now."
"yeah, but it's going to be during the holidays. how do we contextually tap into current timings?"
note: although, "in the biz" i am in no way related to the lean cuisine account. nor have i tried to crash any of their strategy meetings recently.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
ah, city living

having played the clarinet myself for two weeks in the fourth grade, i can appreciate this delightful instrument.
that said, i might just want danger zone back.
christmas, christmas time is here

when on shuffle, my iPod loves to queue up the charlie brown christmas song (christmas time is here by vince guaraldi). this is regardless of the time of year.
but i decided to play it for myself when i came across this little guy in urban outfitters - your very own "charlie brown chistmas tree" and below, a "linus blanket" accessory.
i'm not sure i believe this headline
admirable, but coco loco (medical edition)
which, as you can see, turned out to be a envelope that may or may not be capable of holding liquids. convenient, but likely disastrous. net, admirable but coco loco:

they're baaack...

just when i thought facebook was being nice to me again, here comes a new trio strip of diet ads.
hey fb, thanks.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
table topic #22

in honor of turkey day, here is a festive table topic:
22. What is your favorite part of the Thanksgiving holiday?
well, thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday. that said, i don't mind having a nice 4 day weekend.
as far as the meal goes, i do love me some cranberry sauce. not the homemade variety - the more canned, the better. ring imprints and all. yum.
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