A fish is about to start to change seas today, so I just wanted to make a little tribute to her and the school that swam around her for a while, in that area so close to Chitty Street (ignoring for a second our millions of unique users, if they forgive us). Even if some of these were only heard through the tin can telephone wire.... from across town now.
- Who defy all tube etiquette by delivering three full throttle kicks and a side of verbal threats to their fellow tube passengers
- Who create handbags around feminine care products on their Sunday afternoons to demonstrate the possibilities of brand experience
- Who stake out their space on day 1 within the first hour of their arrival by pinning up revealing personal photos and drawings
- Who allege to keep a Superman suit in their closet in case of wardrobe malfunction
- Who will travel to the far ends of Armenia by horse drawn cart for the sake of increasing their learning curve
- Who specialised below the waist for far too many years and are unafraid of words like panty crotch pronounced awkwardly by middle-aged German men
- Who spell zebra with an X
- Who can pull off Cruella Deville with a french effortless that leaves all fancy dress contestants in the dust...even if she never got the alleged prize
- Who reach their breaking point over mayonnaise covered hands and a homeless man asking for another burger please
- Who boldy go where no woman has gone since the 1970s with green eyeshadow- Who tell you what they like to do is....- Who eat digestives in a cup of milk for breakfast everyday but stay skinny minny- Who stalk celebrities during their now infamous coffee breaks- Who make the mis-guided decision to trim their own fringe the day before the work photo- Who self-publish their own glowing appraisal to build the team- Who tell the client they're "fucked up" to a crowd of silent cheers - Who have another one- Who delete another one- Who travel to foreign countries to see syndicated asian export performed live on stage- Who can't understand each other half the time and spell lose as loose as a matter of course- Who take being the victim of a hit & run sneeze release with a thank you- Who hop instead of dance, who ramble instead of talk, who impart not advice, but genious wisdom, who can't follow a map to save their bloody lives- Who know Geneva like the back of their aching hand- And who always, always, always know to keep the candy dish full